[opini] Intuition - Something to Believe In

Hi bloggers,

Based on book "the power of intuition", authored by Gary Klein, intuition can be scientifically learned!

What is intuition? Simply said, intuition is what your feeling said.

Intuition, once was very powerful and popular management tools, when businessman executed many deals based on it - sometimes not based on scientific facts. Traditional chinese traders are good intuition users.

When Western influences came to Asian, intuition became a weird jargon, then sometimes being asked of its truthfulness.

On the other hand - many sucessfull business decision scrutinized by researchers, intuition involves in many parts.

Time change - as well as the mindsets...

Western's thoughts, stressed on principles right - wrong, direct expression and assertiveness.

Asian's mind game, believes yin & young (combination of masculine-feminin), good and bad relative rule - neither nor permanent good or bad - all depends on situation when decision made.

The study of intuition, well known when Stephen R. Covey in his 7habits. He stated we should "sharpen our saw (saw = intuition) - by meditation, contemplation, praying and fasting.

Gary Klein, in his book, said intuition is learnable. You can learn it by always honest to your heart and do not always neglect it. Intuition is able to go beyond time and space - to enable a person to make "peculiar decisions" which not common in its market situation that time - however a really big proved business tactic afterwards.

For instance when Lippo Group in Indonesia developed Karawaci - known distance&remote in 80's, became a prominent satellite city of Jakarta in 1990.

The other one, when USSR (Russia) fell aparts into several counties, Oriflame kept decision to operate rather than dismantled its business. When the management executed a strange and people said "stupid" business deal during late of 80's - now - Rusia become a biggest Oriflame country in the world.

Intuition enables us to do beyond our time and space boundaries - lets try to develop it. Not difficult, it starts from talking to yourself, trust your feeling and believe something more powerful beyond our physical and mental capabilities.

Interested to develop your intuition?

Comments are welcomed.


3 komentar

  1. Anonim  

    27 April 2008 pukul 13.32

    jadi gimana dong caranya mengasah intuition nya?

  2. benjamin's blog  

    27 April 2008 pukul 23.19


    rajin meditasi, berdoa, puasa, merenung setiap kejadian yang telah berlangsung.

    kedua, jangan sering membohongi kata hati. tetapi, tetap mempergunakan akal sehat..

    lengkapnya, baca buku2 yang direkomendasikan di artikel ini :)

  3. Anonim  

    28 April 2008 pukul 09.08

    Buat Reztar, intuisi adalah kepekaan terhadap sesuatu yang diberikan Tuhan kepada tiap manusia,atau dibilang juga sixth sense. Cara nya harus dipupuk terus,saya sudah alami hal tersebut, di dalam bisnis maupun dalam kehidupan pribadi,caranya kita harus sering berdialog dengan Tuhan,ibaratnya kalo kita punya pacar tapi nga pernah komunikasi gimana kontak batin dengannya bisa terjalin.

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