[Single&Happy] Living Alone Abroad

Hallo Readers!

Continued topic of Single&Happy..

I met many friends - colleagues and old friends, who got a problem - "loneliness".
Most of them are male, with good education background and strong dedication to job and working abroad.

Do they satisfy enough with their salary? Most of them said - Yes!

Do they have got working experience and exposure for multicultural office environment? Of course! Few from them are allocated from one country to other ones. Hence, travel to many interesting places on each country they ever stayed.

What triggered factors make them lonely?
First thing came to my thought - perhaps, they are shy guys.
Observing personalities of them, honestly saying, they have potentials to attract women/man to be friends. Warm characters enable them to make relationship with colleagues and neighbors - in order to survive.

Further mind, since they are living abroad - sometimes, different cultures make barriers to do further relationship - either with man or woman.

Take examples of a friend of mine lives in a country with stick culture to religion and faith - make him difficult to establish friendship with locals (his faith is different from natives).
Another friend, lived in very liberal & individualistic culture where everybody only thinks about him/her self. Hard to find someone to rely on.

What decision they make?
They want to go back to home land - stay close to families and relatives. Some of them did it, some of them are still on planning.

What comes to my mind afterwards..
- No man is an island - everybody needs another and relationship (either marriage, lover or just friendship)
- People prefer to stay close with family and relatives
- Culture sometimes create barriers to establish close relationship
- Man is less adaptable to loneliness - rather than women .. just a personal opinion :)

Anyone wants to place comments?


3 komentar

  1. Anonim  

    14 April 2008 pukul 04.05

    Still my choice is not solely to live alone, but in my opinion we need some one to share our problem, happiness and so on...
    If we always enjoy to our loneliness when we are aware that our age is not young any more, is too late to make decision.
    So better we have a family, husband or wife and children, If we postpone like I said before we are too late when we are too old but our children is still too young. Be happy with family. cheers..

  2. Anonim  

    14 April 2008 pukul 05.43

    I just want to share my opinions to you :
    1. In Nature, man should be proactive and agressive to find the girl that you like and you love...istilahnya...cari terus sampai kamu dapatkan...jangan ada istilah 'shy' dalam kamus kamu. caranya ? practice..practice and banyak hang out dan berteman dengan para kaum hawa..biar tidak salah tingkah sampai saatnya you find your true love.

    2.Lack of ethnic,culture, mindset and vision... as for myself, it's more easier to make a relation with woman that she has the same background,religion, vision and...even hobbies.

    3. Jodoh dan hubungan harus dicari dan diusahakan...jadi buka mata lebar-lebar dan mulai ikut dalam suatu komunitas yang benar dan sehat sesuai dengan your interest ..juga jangan takut untuk dijodohin karena mungkin itu cara untuk menemukan pasangan

    4. Finally,There's no perfect woman in this earth...

    Be Blessed and try to find your true love

  3. Anonim  

    21 April 2008 pukul 15.00

    amin aja bos.

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